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Wicked Wonderful Wacky Woman

When face to face with one of the many trials or tribulations in our world, its commonplace to hear a voice in the crowd say. "Someone should do Something!" Honestly, I may have been guilty of it once or twice myself! But I honestly wonder how many of those people have stopped to think, "Hey, wait... Maybe that someone is me!" If by any chance, like me, they have also thought about it, I know that its super easy to follow up with, "Well, I'm only one person and, really one person can only do so much."

As humans, it is so easy to rationalize and justify that we don't have enough time, energy, or money. But my favorite excuse is that ultimately, we think it's S.E.P...


Unfortunately, it's that attitude that got us into half our messes to begin with. It's time for the Wicked Wonderful Wacky Women of the world... That means yes, you and me... To stand up and BE THE ONE. The difference we make, doesn't have to be grand or momentous. And it doesn't have to cost money, but it will require a whole lot of heart! Let passion drive the spirit of your volunteerism. Shift your enthusiasm into high gear and push through the fog of our comfort zones, roll up our sleeves, and make a difference however and wherever we can. So now tell yourself "One person can do so much" And then... Be the One!

Sometimes life will give you a second chance, Take It!! Sometimes that second chance is an opportunity to show up in your own life with a whole new mindset and outlook and sometimes your able to share that with the rest of the world. So, if you are offered a second chance simply take it!

Sometimes life is not fair. And it's a hard pill to swallow when, for whatever reasons, things don't magically turn out to be "Happily Ever After" But sometimes, right in the middle 0f what seems like the lowest point in the history of forever, a shiny brass ring appears within your reach, giving you the chance to create a whole new ending for your story.

In the midst of these tough times, it's easy to talk yourself into believing that you don't deserve it. It's even easier to turn a blind eye to the opportunity in front of you and assume that the whole thing is just too good to be true.

Well, I am here to tell you right here and right now: IT IS YOUR TURN! You just need to reach out with all the faith you've got, grab a hold of that ring, and hang on like your life depends on it!

With Faith on your side my dear Wicked

Wonderful Wacky Woman, Miracles can happen, and sometimes life does give you a second chance. So don't wait a second longer, take what you are given and enjoy the ride.

Many Blessings

Love, Light, & Lip Gloss


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