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Elements of Spring Cleaning 2023 Style Where Witchcraft, Paganism and the Old Ways have Sprung

As spring has arrived, Spring is a time of clearing, cleansing and making a new. Just as we clean our body from the inside out in the dawn and in the spring, we ripple that energy out into the body of our homes and lives. A Deep " Spring Cleaning" is a powerful spiritual and energetic practice in addition to being entirely practical and physically refreshing.

Setting Intentions, The Birthing of a New Life and Renewing Ourselves! Pay Attention!

As we were all reborn from the darkness of the new moon, we enter the Spring of all cycles cleansed and open, with the visions of a clear- and bright-eyed future. We set forth new moon intentions and we watch them as they grow as the moon waxes to full. We cultivate nourishing practices and encouragement to help our metaphorical seeds germinate, connecting to wonder, both joy and delight as new energies embodied. It's a great time to be light, carefree and expansive. Like young people who seek new experiences in order to grow and transform themselves, we too may feel more social, energized and adventurous following the dark moon.

By digging deep into the places of our home where there has been stagnation- in boxes, closets, piles of clothes, under the bed, in the corners and cabinets- we move forth dense, stagnated energy and allow it to leave our physical space. As we all release the old, we allow room for new energy to replace it. Shake out your old identities and create lots of new space for transformation, for reinventing ourselves, for a simple invitation for something new.

So go thru your possessions and release anything you do not use and does not bring you joy by doing so it will bring you more clarity, energy and peace of mind. Most of these items are probably bringing you down subconsciously and just weighing you down physically. It is a remarkable and surprisingly beautiful spiritual and emotional transformation that occurs when we radically let go of shit. Travel your life lighter, makes a lot of space to be more open.

A Witch will perform the act of Spring cleaning as a ritual, creating sacred space and allowing physical cleaning of one's home, it weaves in the majick of the 5 elements. Using chants and intentions to release the old and make room for miracles to bloom in oneself, kin, home and life.

Welcome to the Elements of Spring Cleaning 2023 Style Where Witchcraft, Paganism and the Old Ways are Springing Forward


Swing open them windows and the doors, turn on your favorite jams as you invite in the Spring winds and cool breezes to cleanse your home. Let the light pour in. Sing and dance out the stagnant energy of your home and let it flow out and away.


As you are going into the deep and darkened places of your home, burn blessing herbs and cleansing plants from your garden or ecosystem such as juniper, sage, mug wort, cedar or pine resin. These plants have been used for centuries for their physical, energetic, and spiritually cleansing powers and abilities. They banish away heavy, negative energy from the auric field, and their smoke has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. So, all aspects will be cleared mind body spirit and home.

Sometimes when clearing out and old closet you may feel flooded by old memories, energies, of a time that no longer exists. Burning sage or another blessing herb helps to dispel the energy, allowing it to go back to its source, supporting pure renewal.

Less commonplace blessing herbs, such as copal, palo santo, and frankincense should always be used sparingly, because they are extremely overharvested. I call all of the resins " Pure Tears" to help me remember that each drop of sap is very precious. Perhaps you will burn a couple of Pure Tears along the way, frankincense is always pleasant to burn upon completion of your home cleaning. It is such a high vibration that it can make a space feel like it is vibrating at a sacred, angelic note of both light and clarity.


Once your home has been both cleared and cleansed and the air is crisp and fresh and purified and every breath has been cleared out, it is then time to sweep and wash all of the surfaces in your home. This is the Witches classic majickal tool, THE BROOM, as it comes from this task. Sweeping in a counterclockwise direction, calling out all that you are releasing from your home. End by reversing your course sweep clockwise as you call in new energies and intentions. Wash and purify all the surfaces of your home, furniture, the walls, and the floor. Standard commercial cleaning products are extremely toxic but that's a whole conversation for another time. So, when purchasing your cleaning products try to go with the biodegradable or just go with simple, pure and cheap by cleaning with white vinegar, baking soda and liquid castile soap. Don't knock it till you try it!


Water and feed your plants both inside and outside the home with compost tea, a rich liquid full of microorganisms made from brewing compost. Or a good brew I always make for mine is used coffee grounds, banana peels and eggs shells all combined together and left sit in a gallon of water prior to watering. Your plants will then lift their vibrations and exude aliveness and Spring vitality all around. Sweep the front stoop or porch and tidy up the path leading to your home. Leave shoes outside the door or an old pair of boots as many traditional cultures have always done. Finally, always bring some of the outdoors into your home. If you know me and my children, you have probably seen them running thru the neighborhood gathering flowers over the last few weeks. But there are plenty of other ways as well maybe a branch that need to be pruned can be brought in doors to bloom and bring in the energy of spring? Maybe a beautiful river stone or a feather that you found on your most recent walk would like to come home and be placed on your alter or mantal? Fill your home with flowers my grandmother used to fill her home with the most beautiful African violets that would put out the most beautiful aroma, she would sit back, drink some tea, and enjoy the sacred space that she made her sanctuary from the rest of the wild world and maybe you should get creative and do so to.


I shall leave this one up to you to figure out consider it homework.

"May your home be blessed and may you welcome in the sprits of Nature and find nourishment in your sacred nest."

"Now fly on, Maiden Free, To Discover the miracles of all you can be!"

Blessed Spring Cleaning

Love, Light & Lip Gloss

Your Neighborhood Witch

Crystal Cailleach

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